Saint Michael In Peril of The Sea; Janice Fitzpatrick Simmons (Salmon Poetry)
Condition: New
In this, her fifth collection, Janice Fitzpatrick Simmons continues to record the journey of a rich and passionate life. Moving on from the earlier poems of migration, love, and loss she now concerns herself with survival, rebirth, and the tentative rediscovery of love in all its doubts and certainties. Rich in its evocation of different land- and sea-scapes, this poetry of pilgrimage and of physicality celebrates the Atlantic coasts of Donegal, the estuaries of the South East, the slow canals of the midlands, the agelessness of tradition in Brittany. Fitzpatrick Simmons achieves a rare blend of American desire to achieve form with the more Irish expression of the liberating potential of imagination and music. A collection to savor – often.